Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thoughts on Chapter One and more

Okay, so I thought the answers were going to pop up all too easy as the answer to question 1 appeared immediately, but... Not so. There were a couple of questions I actually used other internet resources to verify if I was actually understanding it. The book was a little vague to what one question was asking, but having used the internet, it made what was written in the book more clear.
The most interesting part of Chapter One to me would be the the Sagmeister poster "Sagmeister Inc.. on a binge" and not at all because the art was of interest, but that a designer would go to the extreme of gaining 25 pounds for a piece of his work. Wow... Us women would not risk that.
I could also understand the basic definitions of the principles and elements easily as I've done so much art and music growing up. However, understanding is different from remembering and reciting.
It has been a while since I've taken college classes, so it has been interesting getting back in the swing of things.

I was hoping for more color manipulation on this blog site. I typically use black, as a good amount of my wardrobe resembles that of someone in mourning. I will wear black until they invent a darker color. However, I have been vigorously trying to incorporate other colors. Black being the main class blog color led me to use pink. Pink is my favorite color, but I don't believe I wear it well and definitely do not like pink on the walls of my home. I was hoping for more color variation in this blog site. As much as I love pink, the combination I chose to use took a little deliberation as it was a little gaudy and bright, but then I thought... a little fun at that and different. Add a little brown-tone in sepia and title gave it an antique look. Absolutely none of which I would have chose given more options, but I liked the end result.

I also realized that the town I live in is the only place in Alaska that does not change time come daylight savings time. When the time switches this Spring, we shall be back on the same time as Alaska. As for now, we are an hour ahead of all of you. I do not agree with the reasons our community does this and there are so many reasons it should stay with Alaska, but until intelligence strikes someone who can change that, I'll have to remember to coordinate the time for meetings...

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