Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seeing Alathka

After a year or so of being on Myspace, I've finally given into the blogging section. My sister-in-law is wonderful about blogging in her's and gave me a little inspiration to start utilizing my own. This endeavor started within this last week. There is not a lot of exciting drama contained within the blog, but for a small Alaskan town... that's a good thing!

My name is Bonna (sounds just like Donna). I live on an island in Southeast Alaska with my husband, Steven, who is a captain for the Alaska Marine Highway, and our children. We own a fishing boat called the "Rylie Alexandra". It is a trolling vessel that is rigged for gill-netting as well. Although this type of fishing is a main source of income for a lot of our locals, for us it is not. My husband is still very serious about fishing, though.

I recently published a book using a few of my many photos (like the one shown here). I love photography! This book started off as something simple and nice for my husband and our youngest boy, Jace Z, but it turned out to be a big hit for our area. Hopefully this book will find a good publishing home to bring it's cost down.

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