Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Letterform Study (5c)

Alright, this project was very interesting. So I read the basics... black-and-white studies, 3 inches by 3 inches, Variety, etc... and took my endeavor online and into my computer. What a task. I did notice that it didn't say use any one specific letter, so I chose a few familiar to myself.
I used photoshop to piece these all together in a design that was pretty fun. Then when I went to prepare to upload this to this site, I thought I should re-read the instructions one more time and I saw a little error I almost made... "arranged in a nine-unit grid, three studies across by three studies down". So back to arrange these into a nine-unit grid.
After all that work, I sat for over an hour trying to upload this and my connection wouldn't allow me to get around and upload. I moved to another part of the house and my connection was much better.
I really liked a lot of the different shapes I found in these. One that stands out is how the "E" appears to point up to the "V" which helps to complete the second name in my letters. The variety of lettering was easy to find, but a bit of work to apply when you have something specific in mind. I tried to keep the variety balanced using different means like arranging by boldness, boxed, fancy, simple and complex...
Determining the character and quality and deciding questions such as, "how much is enough?" and "what kind should be used?"

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