Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Contrast Studies (5a)

Random and Orderly

I have come to the conclusion that maybe I overthink on these and decided to try to keep it simple. Then I still overthink... ugh...

I was browsing for ideas and thought that the idea of spilling a liquid like paint would cause a random pattern. Creating this spill pattern was not as easy as I thought it would be. I studied a lot of pictures online and had to play and play with this using photoshop until it looked realistically like a random spill to me.


On the opposite end of the scale of accidentally spilling paint would be the idea of purposefull spinning it to create a more uniform and orderly pattern. More studying online led me to creating this on photoshop, too. Again, this was not easy to create, but I liked the contrasts between the ending results of both compositions.

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