Wednesday, March 4, 2009

24 Shots

I have so many photos that I have taken over the years. Literally hundreds upon hundreds. I take a lot of photos of the same subject from different angles, so my project has essentially more than "24 shots".
I will display first, the photo I chose for each subject first and include my alternate choices after, but I won't always comment on the alternate. The first photo will be my actual subject photo.
This project took me days to put together... ugh... I think I put too much studying into them online and made them more complicated in my thinking than I should, but I really liked the end results:

Symmetrical balance:
This photo with the mirrored reflection of the mountain was just what I had first though of with symmetry. I had cropped this from one of my earlier blog photos below that shows my husband fishing (his favorite spot).

Assymetrical balance:
These rocks were simply amazing! We went to a cinder-coned beach in Maui and the hike in around a jagged beach displayed rocks strewn with the mixture of reds, blacks, and white. I had to try to capture that.

Color balance:
I took this photo of a local wine we had in Maui. It tasted like pineapple and I thought the bottle was just beautifully arranged with color design. Then putting it in front of the flowers my husband had bought me, it seemed to explode with color.

I knew immediately which photo I wanted to use, because the colored contact was an eye catcher on my husband this last Halloween, but I still had to fiddle with the other photo anyway.
Humans seem to be attracted to eyes and his contacts made him freak some people out, especially against the black and colored eyemakeup.
I took this photo at a winery/brewery in Portland Oregon this fall of the wine bottles. I immediately thought of it for repetition.

Scale change:
I liked how big our baby looked standing in the window compared to the crewman in the background working on the deck.

To take a different point of view, I thought that this photo taken from the angle looking up at the fisherman from the water (or fish) was different.

Rhythm or Movement:
This will be the only section that I used one photo for each. The first with the boat, I thought that the rhythm flowed with the top edging of the rocks, waves, mountains in the background, the clouds, and the birds in flight all appeared to have the same movement to them.
The dancing photo gave me the feeling of movement with the tassels flinging out in a twirling fashion.

I took this photo of a broken trellis outside a park here. I liked the pattern of the trellis and how it kind of flowed with the fencing. The reds of the berries and the rust colored mesh of the fencing blended the whole thing nicely.

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