Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chapter 3 Graphic Animal

Now what can I say, besides "I loved this project!" Now that was just plain fun...
I felt that the final image did maintain the essence of the original object.
What I learned from the object from the physical analysis was that (and maybe this may be just the photos I looked at) the creature's tail would appear to be out in photos taken while on land, but the tail rarely stuck out while swimming.
I think what pleased me most about the final image was that it was exactly what I had envisioned it being.
I actually finished this a lot earlier today, but let it sit where I could see it throughout the day to make sure it was what I wanted. Obviously it was since it is now posted.

Graphic Animal Roughsketch

I free handed this from the photo I chose. It was the basic idea of what I wanted. I also thought that a slight flair of our Southeast Alaskan Native Art would help to bring in the flippers without everything being so blunt.

Graphic Animal Idea

The moment I saw what our project was, I knew immediately which animal I was going to use...
My husband and I went scuba diving in Maui this last June and got the chance to swim with sea turtles. I fell in love with the creatures immediately! What an awesome experience! The Green Sea Turtle was adorable and graceful in the water.
After viewing picture after picture online, I chose this particular photo by Jamie Harbord. I got this photo from I liked it for this project because the angle was really perfect for what I had in mind. The way the light hit the sea turtle was exactly what I was hoping to find and the flippers were displayed nicely.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Project 2A: Expressive Type and Design

Now that was just plain interesting and not as easy as I thought it would be.
I started on my laptop and ended up moving to my Mother-in-law's computer to use her printer so I could print, cut-out, and scan text. However, I had more luck with her Photoshop on her computer than with my own. So I didn't have to go through the effort of printing or scanning. I was able to do this all within the computer. I saved it and sent it to my own email and was able to manipulate it more using my laptop that I am more comfortable with.

I am so thankful to have gotten my book assignment in early, because I would have been cramming at this point due to the unexpected events that have happened in my home-life. I had fun doing this with the computer, but this amount took quite some time. It sure sounded easier than it was.

Even though I knew the basic meaning of each word, I still looked up the definitions online to be sure I was using the right idea of how to apply the text I felt would best fit the word. There were a few words that had more meaning than one such as "Stodgy" had both the definition of being heavy or very old-fashioned and "crush" could mean to crush an item or have a crush on another person. So I chose the basic meaning most people are familiar with.
I think this typeface does the best job of supporting the word "Sludge" for what fonts I had available. I would have liked something more expressive for "Ornate". I manipulated the "sludge" type by using tools like the move tool, smudge tool, and brush tool in Photoshop. The other words only required using the move tool to widen or squash down as well as arching it.
The type I used for "Sludge" gave a pretty good idea of the meaning of the word to start with then I added a lot of black to make it appear to be a murky hole of ooze and dripping. This style of type really made it easy to create the effect I was hoping for in the composition.