Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here we "grow" again!

I had recently been invited to a friend's blog and he happened to use the same site that I had to use for a graphic arts class over a year ago. I should say, "thanks for inspiring me again Charlie!" I had been thinking of doing another blog just for fun. Somewhere I could throw out those thoughts. So why not use one that was already active? I had found Facebook to be quite annoying and time-wasting. I had some fun with close friends, but some people take advantage of that site as far as reaching out for the wrong reasons. Feelings hurt if you do not reply... Yeah.So... Annette Island, Alaska had a very nice Summer all the way around. The weather was hot for the most of it (for here) and the fishing was phenomenal!
My kids had a blast and Jackson (our 10 y.o.) has become a fishing sensation while traveling to Ketchikan to pull a good many salmon out of Ketchikan Creek. He has brought in much jewlery in trade for his catch. Steven, my husband, tells the story the best, but! seeing as he isn't here... this will have to do. With each catch, the youngster lures the crowds of tourists away from the other fishing entertainment. Such comments of "Look! This little guy has a fish on!" and others excited remarks fill the air. Jackson gives a voluminous narrative as he plays his catch-- enough to make a T.V. fishing show proud. Answering questions and offering much information as he moves from the dock, over the rail, through some trees, and down the rocks reeling as he goes. This child is a fishing nut here in Metlakatla AND loves the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet. His knowledge of the different kinds of salmon is pretty impressive for a boy his age and this became a great help to us as he helped seperate fish on our fishing boat this Summer. As a matter-of-fact, yesterday as we approached the creek in our vehicle, Jackson jumped out and quickly making his first cast, he already had a salmon on the line before I could get my 4 y.o. boy, Jace Z, out of the car. Immediately, the crowds from the cruise ships surround him with great anticipation. Jackson is asked to pose with his catch by every passing tourist. The name "Jackson" is becoming an attraction of its own thanks to his dad, Steven, since he had suggested it from his own experiences having done this as a child himself. To call it a passion would be putting it mildly for Jackson as it is for Steven. He's filling some pretty big shoes impressively!
Steven and I have been commercial fishing together for a few years. He, most of his life. We troll and gill-net depending on the season. It is not easy work, but we love it!
I'm at the computer late at night deep in thought and listening to the rain outside. It's a welcome sound as the Summer has been so warm that the salmon were needing this weather to get up the streams to spawn. The warm sun was a blessing for Summer fun and sunbathing in between gill-net sets.